Economic Challenges: Chief of Defence Staff Issues Warning to Those Advocating for Coup

General Christopher Musa, the Chief of Defence StaffGeneral Christopher Musa, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), issued a stern warning to individuals he characterized as “malevolent elements” advocating for a coup in Nigeria in response to the prevailing economic challenges. Musa emphasized that the legal consequences would be enforced against those advocating for a coup in light of the country’s current economic situation.

These remarks were made following the official inauguration of the main entrance of the 6 Division, Nigerian Army, and Officers Transit Accommodation at the Division Headquarters in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

The Chief of Army Staff reassured the public of the unwavering commitment of the Armed Forces to uphold democracy in Nigeria. General Musa emphasized that anyone advocating for a coup does not have the best interests of Nigeria at heart, affirming that the Armed Forces are dedicated to safeguarding democracy.

He underscored the importance of democracy, stating that it provides a conducive environment for progress. Musa categorically labeled those calling for anything other than democracy as malevolent individuals who do not wish well for the nation. He cautioned them to be cautious as the law would take its course against such actions.

Addressing the current economic challenges, General Musa acknowledged the trying period but urged Nigerians to exercise patience. He highlighted the government’s focus on addressing economic issues and called for understanding during these difficult times. Musa expressed confidence that the nation would emerge stronger from these challenges and urged citizens to appreciate the efforts being made for national development.

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