Who is Daniel Bwala? A Biography of the Lawyer and Political Analyst

Who is Daniel Bwala? A Biography of the Lawyer and Political Analyst

Daniel BwalaDaniel Bwala is a Nigerian lawyer, political analyst, and public affairs pundit known for his analytical thoughts on the country’s politics and government. He is also an author, an academic, and a former spokesperson for Atiku Abubakar, the People’s Democratic Party’s (PDP) presidential contender in the 2023 election.

Early Life and Education

Born in Borno State, Nigeria, Daniel Bwala was his parents’ second son and sixth child overall. He completed his elementary and secondary schooling in Borno State’s capital, Maiduguri. After that, he continued his legal education at the University of Maiduguri, where he earned his Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in 2008.

After finishing his professional study at the Nigerian Law School in Abuja, he was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2009. In 2012, he also graduated with a Master of Laws (LL.M) in International Business Law from Coventry University in the UK.

He is also a member of the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn in London, which grants him the privilege to practice law in England as a foreigner.

Career and Achievements

Daniel Bwala began his legal career in Abuja at the Kanu Agabi & Associates law firm, where he worked on a variety of issues pertaining to commercial litigation, corporate law, electoral law, human rights, and constitutional law.

Later on, he began working as an external examiner and adjunct lecturer at the Nigerian Law School, where he taught courses on evidence, criminal process, civil procedure, and professional ethics. In addition, he conducts workshops and seminars on many facets of law and government at the Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS) as a resource person.

In addition, he serves as a regulatory consultant and arbitrator, offering his clients legal counsel and representation in relation to arbitration, mediation, negotiation, and other conflict resolution procedures.

He has produced various books and papers on law and politics, such as “The Law of Arbitration in Nigeria”, “The Legal Framework for Public-Private Partnerships in Nigeria”, “The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Good Governance in Nigeria” and “The Future of Democracy in Africa”.

Political Involvement and Analysis

Daniel Bwala is a well-known political analyst and pundit who often gives his thoughts on current events and national concerns on radio and television shows. Along with being active on social media, he interacts with his fans and followers on sites like Facebook and Twitter.

He belongs to the PDP and served as one of Atiku Abubakar’s spokespersons when he ran for president in 2023. He made a point of denouncing the All Progressives Congress (APC), which is in power, and its nominee, Bola Tinubu, for what he saw to be their incompetence and corruption.

He did, however, recently declare that he could leave the APC to back Tinubu’s government, noting his approval of some of his choices and programs. He declared that Tinubu’s decision to suspend a minister who was charged with fraud, his efforts to lower the expense of government, and his dedication to the advancement of the country had pleased him.

In addition, he declared that he had no personal animosity toward Tinubu and that he was prepared to contribute to his government. He said that Tinubu’s leadership abilities had inspired him to make this decision and that he owed no one an apology.

Personal Life

Daniel Bwala got married to human rights activist and attorney Esther Bwala. Together, they are parents to two boys and one girl. They are Nigerian residents of Abuja.

He attends Winners’ Chapel, also known as Living Faith Church Worldwide, and is a devoted follower of Christ. Additionally, he participates in a number of humanitarian and social endeavors, including giving young people and women empowerment programs, legal assistance, and scholarships.

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