Kano Public Complaint and Anti-Corruption Commission Seizes Warehouses Holding Millions of Naira Worth of Hoarded Food Items in the State

Kano Public Complaint and Anti-Corruption Commission Seizes Warehouses Holding Millions of Naira Worth of Hoarded Food Items in the State

The Kano Public Complaint and Anti-Corruption Commission (PCACC) snagged warehouses holding stashed goods valued at hundreds of millions of naira in the state.

On Sunday, the commission locked up a bunch of warehouses around Dawanau International Grains Market, Singer Market, and Kwari Textiles Market. Even though the owners were nowhere to be seen during the operation, the opened facilities spilled the beans on hoarded stuff like spaghetti, rice, pasta, sugar, and other grub.

The warehouse big shots got served with notices to show up at the anti-graft commission, gearing up for a potential court showdown for their shady hoarding shenanigans that messed with the regular folks.

Speaking to the public, Muhyi Magaji Rimingado, the commission’s head honcho, said, “The Kano State Public Complaint and Anti-Corruption Commission (PCACC) kept its word to tackle the hoarding of must-have stuff in the state. Our moves, kicking off last Thursday, already put a dent in the sudden surge of prices. In just a week, rice prices shot up from N52,000 to N61,000.”

Rimingado stressed their wins, putting the brakes on immediate price hikes and believing that by sticking to their game plan, they can pull down prices to more sensible levels. The commission aims to take a closer look at the market scene to keep a lid on essential commodity prices.

“During our ongoing inspections of various warehouses, we’ve faced multiple challenges that require further evaluation. A notable concern is the consistent claim that each discovered stockpile belongs to the World Food Programme, raising questions about their role in potential food diversion and the country’s hunger issues.
Additionally, it has come to my attention that the price of maize has experienced a sudden surge, nearly doubling in cost. This sharp increase is absolutely unacceptable. The storage facilities contain hoarded goods worth millions of naira.
To address this situation, immediate action is being taken to seize control of these storage spaces, and arrests will be made as necessary to prevent such behavior. This is not a marketplace; it’s a storage facility. Our intelligence network is actively gathering information on the locations and methods employed to hoard these commodities.”

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